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تعداد ۴۳۵ پاسخ غیر تکراری از ۴۶۱ پاسخ تکراری در مدت زمان ۲,۸۴ ثانیه یافت شد.
381. Introduction -- Severing the aesthetic connection -- Texts, readers, and reading formations -- Figuring audiences and readers -- Culture and governmentality -- Acting on the social : art, culture, and government -- Archaeological autopsy : objectifying time and cultural governance -- Civic seeing : museums and the organisation of vision -- Intellectuals, culture, policy : the technical, the practical, and the critical -- The hist
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پدیدآورنده :
Tony Bennett.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
382. Introduction -- The concept of administrative discretion -- The historical foundation of administrative discretion -- Factors affecting managerial discretion -- Managerial discretion in the private sector -- The plan of the book -- Notes -- Beyond street level discourse -- Managerial and administrative discretion -- Perspectives on discretion in decision making -- Federalism and its place in understanding managerial discretion -- Limitations on state and local discretion -- From state and local discretion to unfunded federal mandates -- When states take over a federal responsibility: immigration -- Explaining managerial discretion -- Support for managerial discretion -- Opposition to managerial discretion -- The courts and managerial discretion -- Statutory and other types of constraints on discretion -- Managerial discretion in local government -- Local government management -- Appointment and staffing powers -- Mayors, discretion, and legislative processes -- Policy implementation -- Managerial discretion and school violence -- Discretion in contracting -- Creating new departments -- Finance -- Managerial discretion at the county level -- The use of discretion by the county sheriff -- Discretion in the Maricopa County sheriff's office -- Local managerial discretion and the courts -- A culture of corruption? -- Managerial discretion at the state level -- The role of the governor -- Appointments -- Economic development -- Emergency management -- Financial management -- Policy development and implementation -- Public safety -- Veto powers -- Other duties -- When governors c
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Jacqueline Vaughn, Eric Otenyo.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
383. Introduction / Youseff M. Choueiri -- The formative period of Islam -- The rise of Islam / Gerald R. Hawting -- The Islamic conquests / Fred M. Donner -- The caliphate / Hugh Kennedy -- Cultural traditions and social structure -- The ʻulama:̉ function and status / Zouhair Ghazzal -- Shīʻism / Robert Gleave -- Historiography of Sufi studies in the West / Alexander Knysh -- Imperial structures and dynastic rule -- Military patronage states and the political economy of the frontier, 1000-1250 / Michael Chamberlain -- The Mamluk institution / P.M. Holt -- State and society in North Africa / Michael Brett -- A new Middle Eastern system -- Ottomans and Safavids: states, statecraft, and societies, 1500-1800 / Metin Kunt -- Urban life and Middle Eastern cities: the traditional Arab city / André Raymond (translated James McDougall) -- The Middle East and the new world order -- A diffe
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
/ edited by Youssef M. Choueiri.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
384. Introduction : globalization and geopolitics in the Middle East -- Globalization : system or process? -- Globalization and strategic interdependence -- The MENA regional system in crisis -- Geopolitical tectonics : GME on the margins of Eurasia -- Government and governance in the era of globalization -- Economic internationalization and the changing balance of economic power in the Middle East -- Culture clash : globalization and the geopolitics of identity in the Middle East -- Globalization and international politics of the GME -- Globalization and the Middle East in perspective. 0
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Anoushiravan Ehteshami.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
385. Introduction: histories of postmodernism / Mark Bevir, Jill Hargis, and Sara Rushing -- Honesty as the best policy : Nietzsche on redlichkeit and the contrast between stoic and epicurean strategies of the self / Melissa Lane -- Escape from the subject : Heidegger's Das man and being-in-the-world / Jill Hargis -- A rock and a hard place : Althusser, structuralism, communism and the death of the anticapitalist left / Robert Resch -- Hammer without a master : French phenomenology and the origins of deconstruction (or, how derrida read Heidegger) / Peter Eli Gordon -- A kind of radicality
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
edited by Mark Bevir, Jill Hargis, and Sara Rushing.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
386. Iran
پدیدآورنده :
\ Edited by Christopher Davidson
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
387. Iran
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
\ Jahanshah Derakhshani
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
388. JK271
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
by M.J.C. Vile.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
389. JZ1306
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Mervyn Frost.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
390. Machine generated contents note: The Context -- Development of Islamic Thought in the -- 20th Century -- Features of the Socio-Economic Development -- in the Occupied Territories and the Intifada -- PART ONE: THE BASIC THEMES IN THE -- THOUGHT OF HAMAS -- The Problem: Israel, Zionism and the Jews -- The Goal: An Islamic Palestinian State -- Sense of Urgency: Mass-Immigration -- of Soviet Jews -- Hostility and Isolation -- The International Community -- The Arab-Muslim Countries -- The Traditional Palestinian Leadership -- Means -- Palestine:Jihad in Form of the Intifdda -- The Arab-Muslim World: Islamisation -- and Democratisation -- Self-Image of Islam -- v Inner Enemy: The Palestinian -- Liberation Organisa
پدیدآورنده :
Andrea Nüsse.
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
391. Make a shield from wisdom :
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
20090507 0
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
392. Managing the unmanageable : systematic downloading of electronic resources by library users / Gayle Baker, Carol Tenopir -- Library/vendor relations : the APA experience / Linda Beebe -- Managing customer relationships : a book vendor point-of-
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Sam Brooks, David H. Carlson, editors.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
393. Modern Buddhist cultures -- The cultural practices of Buddhist modernity -- Shanghai Buddhism -- Vegetarian identities --
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Francesca Tarocco.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
394. New York :
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Clemens Spiess.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
395. New foundations for knowledge in educational administration, pol,BL
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
20090601 0,20090603 0
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
396. ; Oxford
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
/ Seumas Miller.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
397. Oxford :
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
Ofelia García ; with contributions by Hugo Baetens Beardsmore.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
398. PK6451.F4
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
20090506 0
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
399. Penal populism, sentencing councils and se
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
editors, Arie Freiberg, Karen Gelb.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
Child labour in a globalized world :
رده :
400. Penal populism, sentencing councils and sentencing policy / Arie Freiberg and Karen Gelb -- Sentencing policy and practice : the evolving role of public opinion / Julian V. Roberts -- Penal scandal in New Zealand / John Pratt -- Dealing the public in : challenges for a transparent and accountable sentencing policy / David Indermaur -- Myths and misconceptions : public opinion versus public judgment about sentencing / Karen Gelb -- The Minnesota sentencing guidelines / Richard S. Frase -- The United States Sentencing Commission / Nancy Gertner -- English sentencing guidelines in their public and political context / Andrew Ashworth -- The New South Wales Sentencing Council / Alan Abadee -- The Sentencing Commission for Scotland / Neil Hutton -- The Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council : incorporating community views into the sentencing process / Arie Freiberg -- A perspective on the work of the Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council and its potential to promote r
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Mark (مخصوص کتابخانه ها)
پدیدآورنده :
editors, Arie Freiberg, Karen Gelb.
Library of Islamic Parliament
موضوع :
رده :
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